Dave O’Farrell
Dave O’Farrell has dedicated most of his adult life helping people achieve their goals. While he was still in high school, he coached a little league hockey team; in college he was a youth advisor at church. As a sales manager in his 20’s, he trained salespeople who were more than twice his age. Now O’Farrell helps people shorten their search, earn more money, and get better results.
His background includes:
» Thirty years in the career management business – as a staff member at one of the world’s three largest career management firms, as a volunteer, and as the owner of Atlanta’s most effective career management firm. O’Farrell has helped thousands of people in transition to achieve their goals.
» Seven years at a leading career management firm as a client, workshop trainer, individual career consultant, project manager and national account manager. His top five clients were Delta Air Lines, CIBA Vision, UPS, First Data and Kimberly-Clark.
» Three years as a Senior Training Consultant for Richardson, a leading sales training and consulting company. The top five clients he worked with were: Dell, Bank of America, GlaxoSmithKline, Sears and KPMG Consulting. O’Farrell will apply consultative selling strategies to your job campaign.
» Twenty-three years as Executive Director of JobSeekers of Peachtree City. JobSeekers is a nondenominational ministry for professionals who are making a career transition. Approximately 40 business people attend the meeting each Friday morning at First Baptist Church in Peachtree City.
» Twenty-three years as President of O’Farrell Career Management. OCM provides résumé writing, performance coaching, and many other outplacement and career management services, plus executive recruiting services. O’Farrell works with clients at all levels, from hourly employees up to senior executives at Fortune 500 companies.
He began his career with a company that supplies engineering services and equipment to the heavy construction industry. As a one of the youngest sales people in the history of the company, he placed in the top 12% of the worldwide sales force. At the age of 28, he was promoted to a management role where he was responsible for sales, engineering and field service operations in a seven-state region. In his last year as district manager, he finished second out of 18 districts worldwide.
O’Farrell graduated with honors from Kennesaw State University in Marietta, Georgia where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree. He is a former member of the Georgia Chapter of the National Speakers Association (NSA Georgia) and the Atlanta Chapter of ASTD (ASTD Atlanta), where he served in many leadership roles including VP of Member Services. He was also active in the Atlanta chapter of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM Atlanta) for many years.
Visit him at O’Farrell Career Management, connect with him on LinkedIn, or better yet, come meet him at a JobSeekers meeting on Thursday morning!
Dave O’Farrell
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Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.
— Proverbs 16:3