This is one of the best stories of 2018. Cindy Silloway came to JS much longer than she would have wished, but things turned our really well. It was worth the wait. You will see this message came in more than two months ago; we’ve been super busy with an outplacement project that wrapped up last Friday 20 December.
Congratulations Cindy!
I hope you find the encouragement in Cindy’s letter was worth the wait.
— Dave
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Hi Dave,
Well, it is official. I have passed the background check and received the official legal offer. As I know you may want the details, I will be working at Siemens as the Lead Service Contract and Parts Development Support Analyst (could the title be any longer?) at Siemens in Alpharetta. Starting October 22. Salary matches what I was making at NCR. I will need to commute every day for a while, but it will be part virtual once I know the ropes. It was networking that got me the job. The person who originally referred me used to sit next to me at NCR years ago. He was my “dotted line” boss for a time, and I worked many of his projects. The second referral came from a person who worked at NCR, but she knew me from church and Lyndon’s cancer journey. The two came together at the right time. Ironically, the hiring manager had been looking for someone since April!
It seems like a lifetime ago that I ran into Christina Hardman at the Georgia Department of Labor, and she told me I should come join Job Seekers in Peachtree City.
There are not words to express how thankful I am for the help and guidance I received from this group. As you state on your communications, it is one of the toughest spiritual journeys one can face. I am so grateful not just for the lessons, but the friends I have met along the way, and the focused job search devotionals. The community is so blessed to have your dedication to this ministry. Your commitment amazes me.
And as God has a sense of humor; I may have my highest ever HIPPO score this week! This evening, I have a call with a hiring manager to do some remote supply chain analytics, and a referral from a VP at one of the companies I was targeting… I mean really… AFTER I accepted another job?
Hope to stop by Friday with some muffins or something, but no amount of muffins could ever express my gratitude!
God bless,
Cindy Silloway