23 February 2025

Multiple Job Offers

Cody Bonsma

This came in a couple of months ago. Just now getting a chance to publish because we’ve been super-busy helping Cody and four dozen other people find new jobs.

Very proud of you, Cody!

– Dave O’Farrell

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Hey Dave, I hope all is well! Yesterday, I accepted a job offer in D.C. and will be starting in two weeks. I would like to thank you and everyone else at JobSeekers for what you do. The few meetings I have attended taught me a lot.

Being in between jobs (or graduation and a first job) is an uncertain period which puts you on a path outside of the “regular” routine. If seen as an opportunity rather than a downfall, it becomes a time of introspection and reflection. I ended up with multiple offers from big organizations but chose a smaller firm.

The past few months have taught me to see through the vanity of a “big” job or salary and look for an opportunity that felt right. I am much more excited about starting this position in D.C. with a smaller dynamic firm than when I accepted a job with AT&T months ago, simply because it feels like a better fit.

Thanks for everything and would like to keep in touch!

– Cody Bonsma

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