23 February 2025

Only Interview in 18 Months

We loved having Eni’s bright, shining face and cheerful spirit at JobSeekers each Friday. We also love the fact that we won’t be seeing her anymore because she landed an awesome job. Congratulations Eni; very proud of you!!!

– Dave O’Farrell

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Hi Dave,

I hope this reaches you well. I am writing to inform you of my great news! Today I was offered a job with a contracting firm as a contractor for the CDC, which I accepted. My job title is Public Health Analyst. I would like to share with you how this job came about.

I began job hunting while in Tampa almost 1.5 years ago. In March of 2016, I began to make friends with a recruiter at this contracting firm after a friend gave me a small tip that making friends with recruiters is helpful. I would contact her every couple of months to see if there were any available positions and to keep me in mind.

At the end of November 2016, I applied to a job with this contracting firm and decided after a JobSeekers class to follow up with my recruiter friend to see if they had any jobs available. She immediately replied and said she thought there might be one. When she got back to me she realized it was the job I had already applied for that she thought would be a good fit. However, she realized the position had already been filled.

This past Monday I got an email from my recruiter friend asking if I was still available to work, this was the day the freeze on government hires was implemented. I notified her that I was available. She informed the program manager and HR, and HR contacted me the next day to schedule an interview.

I spoke with them on Wednesday morning discussing the responsibilities and they asked me if I had any questions. Once the conversation drew to an end I asked if they thought I was a match and when I should expect to hear from them. They affirmed they thought I would be a good match and that they would inform me no later than Friday after they spoke to the CDC client.

The next morning I received an offer letter with a competitive salary + health benefits and I will be starting work on 2/6/2017, exactly four months to the day that I moved from Florida to Georgia after resigning from my job of nearly six years at the VA.

Dave, this is the only company I interviewed with in my whole job search.

I want to thank you so much for your invaluable lessons and constant encouragement. I most certainly believe and know my steps have been ordered by the Lord. From meeting Mr. Dana Wilcock at church and him inviting me to JobSeekers, Ms. Linda Wells assisting me immensely with my resume, your brilliant classes (value-added references, interviews, etc.), and Mr. David Halm providing the Project Success Method course. My cup runneth over and I am indebted to your services.

Best wishes and have an awesome Friday!


– Eni


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